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Skill Development Mentoring

Skill Development Mentoring is the process of having a professionally trained, more experienced coach observe an actual coaching session and providing feedback specifically focused on the International Coaching Federation's (ICF's) Core Coaching Competencies. Additionally, this work can often include working with the coach to support them with specific client issues and challenges that occur while coaching clients (coaching supervision). The purpose of this program is to assist the coach in their professional development as a coach and to have a resource for support clients during their journey toward mastery.

For students interested in obtaining additional mentor coaching outside the mentoring included in our Level 1 accreditation (Phase 1 Core Essentials), we’ve provided more information below:

For credentialing purposes, the ICF's definition of Mentor coaching is:

For purposes of Credentialing, mentor coaching means an applicant being directly observed and mentored on their coaching competencies and skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of an applicant's coaching skill.

PMC & Skill Development FAQ

Is hiring a Coach U PMC a requirement for the completion of my program?
The short answer is no. If you are a student in our Level 1 accredited Phase 1 Core Essentials, your 10 hours of mentoring needed for ACC certification is included within the program. The long answer is, although not required, any additional mentor coaching will be incredibly beneficial as you grow professionally. We highly encourage coaches to hire a mentor coach outside of the program.

What are the primary focus areas when working with a Coach U PMC?
While focus may be on all three mentor coach areas (practice development, personal development, and professional development), there is an emphasis on professional development and includes coaching competency skill development (observation with written feedback). As part of the required 10 hours of mentoring, this usually includes at least two to four observed coaching sessions with written feedback around the core coaching competencies.

What are the costs associated with hiring a Coach U PMC who provides Skill Development Mentoring?
The special "Professional Mentor Coaching Program" fee that includes Skill Development Mentoring/Supervision (observation with written feedback) is $450 per month for 3x40minute sessions (or 2x60minutes sessions) and includes observed sessions. This special Supervision Coaching rate is usually available for a period up to six months, after which the rate may convert to the mentor coach's regular professional rate if desired.

What can I expect from Skill Development/Supervision mentoring?
When having a coaching session observed and reviewed, you should expect thorough written feedback specific to each of the ICF core coaching competency areas. A sample is below:

Coaching Session Review Form

Coach's Name (first & last):


Reviewer's ICF Certification Designation (as appropriate):

Date of Review:

Person Coached (first name):

This review form is to be used to review/supervise a coaching session. Please provide feedback to the coach on each competency category individually. Refer to/use the competency definitions and descriptions as defined by the ICF ( Add feedback/observations, as appropriate, under each competency.

 Demonstrates Ethical Practice (includes Coaching Mindset)


 Establishing Coaching Session Agreement


Cultivates Trust and Safety with the Client


Maintains Coaching Presence


Listens Actively


Evokes Awareness (includes Questioning)


Facilitates Client Growth (includes planning/progress & Accountability)


Areas of Competency Strength:

Recommendations for Competency Improvement:

Additional Remarks/Feedback:

Is there a time limit for when I can hire a Coach U PMC?
Skill Development Mentor/Supervision program is available to all students at any time.

Which coaches are participating in the Professional Mentor Coaching Program?
Please review the PMC Bio Page, which contains a brief bio, contact information, interview questions, etc.  Click here